
To calculate your GPA, assign numerical values to letter grades (e.g., A=4.0). Multiply each grade value by the credit hours of the respective course. Sum all the grade points and divide by the total credit hours to get your GPA.

To calculate standard deviation, subtract the mean from each data point, square the differences, calculate the average of the squared differences, and take the square root of the average. The result is the standard deviation, which measures the dispersion or variability of the data set.

To calculate BMI (Body Mass Index), divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. The result represents your BMI, which provides an indication of your body's relative weight and can be used to assess whether you fall within a healthy weight range.

To calculate a percentage, divide the given value by the total and multiply by 100. This will give you the percentage of the value in relation to the total.

To calculate square feet, multiply the length of a side of a square or the length and width of a rectangle to find the area in square feet.

To determine your age using a calculator, subtract your birth year from the current year. This will give you your approximate age in years.